Discussion Questions

Silver Harvest

(Spoiler Alert!)

     1. What was your initial reaction at the end of chapter one when the Pinstriped Bandit addressed Nicola by name? Were you surprised? Did you have any idea how he could have known who she was? What did you think about his gentlemanly behavior and speech?

      2. Did you think Daniel took advantage of Nicola in the wine cave? Or, did you think she was equally to blame for what happened? Did you sympathize with Allegra Romano? Why or why not?

      3. What kind of person did you think Nicola was at the beginning of the book? Have you ever known anyone like her? If so, how did you feel about them? Did your opinion of Nicola change as the book progressed?

      4. The book captures many of the era’s attitudes toward women. Has their roll changed much since then? Do you think women have always been strong in the face of adversity?

      5. One of the book’s most compelling moments was when Nicola surrendered to Bertha by agreeing to become one of her “soiled doves.” Can you understand why she did that? What other choices did women of that era have? What do you think you would have done?

      6. How did Nicola’s feelings of rejection and abandonment by her father shape her personality and her life?

     7. The night Trixie was beaten by a customer, she and Nicola formed a bond of sorts when Nicola dressed her wounds. Nicola also bonded—albeit more strongly—with Teresa and Belle. Do you believe it’s possible for women from drastically different backgrounds to bond when they are thrown together in a grim situation? Why do you think this is so?

     8. What did you think of Theresa’s tragic confession to Nicola and Belle the night Daniel was killed when the three of them sat together on Nicola’s bed? Did you feel empathy for Theresa wanting to experience love? How did you feel when she was killed?

     9. Which characters were your favorites? Which did you dislike the most?

     10. If you could meet one of the characters, what would you say to them?

     11. Were you amused by some of the interaction between Sheriff O’Neil and Deputy Gilbert? How did you feel about the sheriff’s paternal attitude toward Nicola?

     12 How would you describe Nicola’s relationship with J.J. Adams?

     13. Who did you want Nicola to end up with, Henry or Luke? Why?

     14. Were you surprised that the Pinstriped Bandit was still alive at the end of the book? Do you have any idea who he is?

     15. Do you think the Pinstriped Bandit’s psychosis would have been treatable with medication if he had lived in modern times?

     16. What was your favorite quote or passage and why?

     17. What was your favorite scene and why?

     18. What theme stood out for you?  Which were the strongest in the book and which did you feel most connected to?

     19. Discuss the symbolism of Pierre Hypolite Dallidet’s advice to Nicola on pages 103 – 104.

     20. How did you see the book’s title relating to the story? Why do you think it was chosen?

     21. Do you think the author had a formative experience that resulted in the story line? If so, what do you think is was?

     22. What do you think the author was trying to achieve? Did she succeed?

     23. Who would you cast in an adaptation of the book if it were to be made into a movie or a series?

     24. If you were interviewing the author, what would you ask her?

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